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Boom & blossom: iTalk speakers share cross-cultural stories
Over the years, Tsinghua has attracted some of the most outstanding students, from home and abroad.
Here, diverse cultures meet and mingle; brilliant minds clash and communicate.
(16th iTalk session)
Launched by the Graduate Union this year, Tsinghua iTalk provides a public speaking platform for cross-cultural dialogues and inspiring ideas.
It has been motivating students to speak out their views and to be concerned about the world.
On the iTalk stage, Tsinghua students have shown their excellence in academics, volunteering and entrepreneurship.
Last Sunday, five iTalkers were invited to share their unique stories.
(the iTalk posters)
When David Janna first set foot in China seven years ago, he could not speak a single word in Chinese. Now he has become a “China Hand”.
A believer in the power of language, he said.
If you talk to people in a language they understand, they listen with their head, but if you talk to people in their language, they listen with their heart.
—— David Janna
School of Social Sciences
Kane McDermott came to this country for knowledge, but he found more: love for Chinese culture, love for teaching, and the love of his life!
Now, he is an experienced teacher, a loving father and husband, and a bridge between the Chinese and American cultures.
(McDermott and his family)
Be a person whose heart is always full of love, and be ready to fall in love with somebody, a city and a country.
—— Kane McDermott
Institute of Education
Mermon Abdul Ghaffar had many stories to share.
He may not command the languages of every country he has travelled to, but he has the key to cross-cultural communication.
A smile can make wonders; a smile opens a window to the world.
—— Memon Abdul Ghaffar
School of Environment
Wearing his charming smile, he has actively participated in social engagements at Tsinghua: he was a 2018 Belt & Road Countries delegate representing Pakistan, as well as a member of the “Youth Perceive Chengdu” and “Insight into China” activities.
Like Ghaffar, Johnson Liu is also a keen traveler.
As a Social Science student, he travels not only for fun, but to also gain insights into domestic and foreign affair.
You can only learn how to lead after you know how to understand things from others’ perspective.
—— Johnson Liu
School of Social Sciences
Victoria Khu is a Russian born Chinese, and her unique cultural background has taught her to appreciate both the differences and the similarities between cultures.
With that belief, she co-founded the SCHOLAR Youth League, which brings youth from different countries together.
The sincerity of life is knowing yourself — you are the unique one.
—— Victoria Khu
School of Journalism & Communication
From TEDx to the Global Shapers Community, from Russian Student Association in China to the SCHOLAR Youth League, Khu’s passion for cross-cultural communication certainly helped her know her true self.
Whose story moved you the most?
What are your cross-cultural stories?
Share it with the world on the stage of Tsinghua iTalk!