MBA申请分享:Tuck MBA的招生标准,了解下!【中国MBA招生信息网】 



MBA申请分享:Tuck MBA的招生标准,了解下!

发布时间:2019-01-02 21:49:19

There is no formula for admission to Tuck. It is impossible to predict a candidate's chances of admission solely by looking at his or her academic record and test scores. Each decision hinges on the interplay of six principal factors:

Demonstrated Academic Excellence: Tuck seeks applicants who possess outstanding academic abilities and intellectual curiosity, and who will be actively engaged in the educational process. Given the analytical rigor of the Tuck curriculum, we pay special attention to each applicant's ability to quantitative concepts. There is no particular course of study required to apply.

这点非常重要,因为Tuck的学业也是出名的繁重,每天的课业负担、丰富的课余生活、体育运动,让每个Tuck学生都感到巨大的压力。也是因为这个原因, Tuck很看重申请人的学习能力。不管是通过GPA、GMAT、各种学业上的奖励、还是工作中取得的专业资格,都可以作为证据。

Demonstrated Leadership: Tuck looks for applicants who have been leaders in a variety of settings: extracurricular activities at college or university, the workplace, or the community. We assess leadership potential by looking at experiences, accomplishments, and letters of recommendation.


Demonstrated Accomplishments: Tuck seeks candidates who have the passion to make a significant impact in the classroom, in the business world, and in society. Candidates we accept do not simply go through the motions of attending school, working, or joining organizations—they have put their heart and soul into helping make those institutions better in some tangible way.


Interpersonal Skills: At Tuck, we believe that strong interpersonal skills are essential for success as a leader and as a team member. Through the interview process, we try to get a sense of each candidate's personality and communication skills. We also look for quality and clarity of thought in written answers and essays.


Diversity of Background and Experience: Tuck seeks a variety of candidates who will bring a range of backgrounds and perspectives to the classroom and the Tuck community. The admissions committee works diligently to the most qualified students who will thrive in, contribute to, and benefit from the active co-curricular life at Tuck.

从历年Tuck招生的profile可以看出,学生的背景是多种多样的。Tuck相对其他学校而言,并不十分看重big name。独特的背景在申请Tuck时绝对是巨大的优势。

Global Mindset: At Tuck, we believe that candidates who possess a global point of view not only add depth to the education experience but are also poised for the most challenging and diverse career opportunities. We consider global mindset to be multifaceted, and we evaluate many aspects of it—from fluency in a second language to work, study, and extensive travel outside of one’s home country.

Tuck非常看重global experience,这是证明global mindset的一个好方法。除了直接去国外工作、求学,拥有大量的与国际人士合作的经验也是有信服力的。

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